We are happy to directly answer any and all questions you may have about homeschooling. We also encourage you to checkout other helpful resources we endorse, including these, which are affiliated with The Loft, and others run by our friends and cooperating partners.
- charts detailing all curricular options available for Ages 0-18
- lists of field trip venues in every U.S. state and Canadian province
- articles that explain the homeschool laws in other states
- a list of homeschool conventions
- information about homeschool-oriented publications
- miscellaneous helps
For a brief, engaging summary of what The Roadmap is all about, check out THIS EPISODE of The Loftcast 2.0.
- articles explaining various aspects of Wisconsin's homeschool law
- lists of activities and field trip venues in Northeast Wisconsin
- information about local, state, and national homeschool support groups
Loft partner Christy, a veteran homeschooling mother with a master's degree in Speech Pathology and 22 years experience, offers speech and language consultations for a very reasonable fee. She will meet you at the Kress Family Branch of the Brown County Library or in your home, according to your preference - or could even provide some feedback from a video or audio recording of your child speaking. For more information, EMAIL CHRISTY.